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View result counter Summary Body Date Featured Image
1 Federated Search Subject Heading Collection Thesaurus Y N
2 Public Domain Advanced Search Y N
3 Monograph Thingamajig Y N
4 Public Domain Niche Uniquely Narwhal Y N
5 MeSH Turnkey Real-time Y N
6 Sprout Fair Use Subject Librarian Y N
7 Controlled Vocabulary Non-circulating Y N
8 Wombat Miscellaneous Quantity Y N
9 Query Style Manual Functional Y N
10 Proctor Format Schemas Y N
11 Serials Budget Search Y N
12 Ubiquitous Recall Open Source Y N
13 Special Collections Skills Y N
14 Accurate Functional Book Y N
15 Leadership Yeet Librarian Y N
16 Wombat Meatloaf Access Point Y N
17 MARC Privileges Narwhal N N
18 Authentication Procrastinate MeSH Y N
19 Access Cutter Number User Article N Y
20 Librarian Zeitgeist In Group Study Y N
21 Footnote Baffled Archives Y N
22 To Be Fair Change Skills N Y
23 Yeet Discovery Via Testing N Y
24 Results Fair Use Intuitive N Y
25 Bibliography Machete Discovery Procedures N Y
26 Baffled Expand Article Procrastinate Y N
27 Hence Periodical Media Spork Journal Y N
28 Virtual Library quality archives apocalypse Y N
29 Spork possessed staplers journal engage Y N
30 Accurate microfiche baffled networks N Y
31 Technology procedures implement access N Y
32 ILS apocalypse descriptor journal N Y
33 Meta-services, due date apocalypse quality Y N
34 Annotated embrace cutter number N Y
35 Mostly Harmless atlas backend stacks N Y
36 Ideas XML monograph book Y N
37 Spatula resource backend machete N Y
38 Disseminate testing results non-circulating Y N
39 Disseminate testing results non-circulating N Y
40 Search narwhal AV anthology N Y
41 Leadership front-end wombat exploit N Y
42 Full Text primary source circulation spork N Y
43 OPAC bookmark secondary source expedite N Y
44 Archives renew apocalypse citation N Y
45 Advanced Search Dewey Decimal boolean operators citation index Y N
46 Primary Source plug-and-play one-to-one classification Y N
47 Procedures depository access point government documents N Y
48 Conniption ideas cross-reference ubiquitous Y N
49 Thesaurus non-circulating borrow accurate Y N
50 Media peer reviewed inevitable data Y N
51 Multimedia implement circulation Dewey Decimal N Y
52 Cutting-edge user monograph testing N N
53 Government Documents Meatloaf Wireless Utilize Y N
54 Multimedia library consortium virtual Y N
55 Command Line information literacy wombat technologies N Y
56 Machete proxy ninja wireless N Y
57 Back Issues wombat users engage Y N
58 Mostly Harmless keyword wireless peer reviewed N Y
59 Boolean Operators MARC embrace cutter number Y N
60 Rubbish via real-time users N Y
61 Utilize recall mostly harmless cutting-edge N Y
62 Wonky finagle hyperlink squirrel Y N
63 Due Date exploit RTFM technologies N Y
64 XML card catalog query citation N Y
65 ILLiad expedite archives secondary source N Y
66 Expedite visionary wombat sources N Y
67 Oversize rummage cockamamie cutter number N Y
68 Accurate viper either citation Y N
69 Apocalypse mullet card catalog thinking N Y
70 Walkabout tuchis subject heading microform Y N
71 Users Information Commons Advanced Search Meatloaf Y N
72 Long-term cutting-edge bibliography digital native N Y
73 Meatloaf Stop Words Bookmark Y N
74 Access Point late fee embrace dynamic N Y
75 Social Networking wombat topple edition Y N
76 Perpendicular pantaloons high-impact cross-platform N Y
77 Authentication synthesize visionary squishy N Y
78 Proactive domain circulation pickle Y N
79 Reservoir platforms collection rummage N Y
80 Baffled anthology information literacy Y N
81 Renew change bookmark Y N
82 Seamlessly topple federated search cross-platform N Y
83 Conniption full text ponder user ID Y N
84 Exploit pursue tactical squid Y N
85 Data remote access full text descriptor N Y
86 Wobble weeding bookmark microform N Y
87 Narwhal virtual conniption weasel Y N
88 Business archives underwhelm wildcard N Y
89 Bondage Hence Exploit Mostly Harmless Y N
90 Microfiche finagle issue dramatic Y N
91 MARC doohickey index Special Collections N Y
92 Oversize ubiquitous truncation machete N Y
93 Implement borrow embrace citation index Y N
94 Scribble rumpus floppy plagiarism N Y
95 Keyword Gumption Low-Risk Viper Y N
96 Microfiche cross-reference technologies approval plan Y N
97 Cross-reference Leadership Library Snarky Y N
98 Hold Scribble Disseminate Y N
99 Ideas Wobble Unleash Sources Y N
100 Growth directed keyword copyright N Y
101 Turnkey Befuddlement MARC Boolean Y N
102 Exploit gumption befuddlement bulbous Y N
103 Ponder blimp enable results N Y
104 Abridged Bulbous Accession Number Empowered Y N
105 Booty Cutting-edge Collection Full Text Y N
106 Usurp Britches Weasel Reguriburp Y N
107 ILS government documents holistic nincompoopery Y N
108 Geek mullet ILS boolean N Y
109 Lozenge either cockamamie copyright N Y
110 Empowered uniquely keyword emerging technologies N Y
111 Maximize college-knowledge before thesaurus N Y
112 Canoodle after journal tuchis N Y
113 Plagiarism Networks Deliver Global Y N
114 Baffled wenis lackadaisical finally N Y
115 Boolean accurate spork bulbous N Y
116 Tuchis Procedures Spatula Tuber Y N
117 Wonky rummage blamestorming content N Y
118 Non-circulating CD-ROM communicate benefits N Y
119 Field Limiter Dynamic Atlas Wildcard N N
120 Front-end ILS Serials Budget Topple Y N
121 Abridged Approval Plan N Y
122 Access Point Authentication Mostly Harmless Whatnot Y N
123 Pantaloons Researched Y N
124 Full Text Innovate Lozenge Y N
125 Atlas Catalog Incubate Odd Y N
126 Dynamic Matrix Y N
127 Nincompoopery Primary Source Spork N Y
128 Either Squeegee Squishy N Y
129 MeSH Outside Of The Box Public Domain Search Query Y N
130 Cross-media Through N Y
131 Moose Shelf List Task Y N
132 Boolean Operators Lozenge N Y
133 Efficient Finally Pantaloons N Y
134 Field Limiter Hippo Pursue Y N
135 Due Date Information Commons Squid Y N
136 Diverse Just As Style Manual N Y
137 Card Catalog Wenis N Y
138 Full Text Networks Schemas Y N
139 Dewey Decimal Empowered Wobble N Y
140 Leadership Multimedia Shelf List Shenanigans N Y
141 Accession Number Mostly Harmless N Y
142 Intuitive Peer Reviewed Primary Source Spatula N Y
143 Carbuncle Floozy Plug-and-play Y N
144 Booty Digital Native Holdings Y N
145 Deliver Just As Possessed Staplers N N
146 Emu Pickle Y N
147 Assertively Machete Y N
148 Assertively Carbuncle Loopy Manufactured N Y
149 Gumption Limiter Snarky N Y
150 Document Delivery Footnote Skills Virtual Library N Y
151 Front-end Remote Access N Y
152 ASCII Reference Technologies Turbo Nerd Y N
153 Format Smashing N N
154 Technology Uniquely Zeitgeist Y N
155 Data Field Limiter Style Manual Y N
156 Abstract Hippo Thinking N Y
157 Applications Britches N Y
158 Global OPAC N Y
159 AV Value N Y
160 Catalog OPAC N Y
161 Cross-media Reliable Tuchis Y N
162 Visionary Whatever Y N
163 Embrace Igloo Persnickety Whatever Y N
164 Communicate Platforms N Y
165 Exploit Lozenge Magma Y N
166 Intuitive Wenis Y N
167 Bandwidth Cockamamie Y N
168 Cross-reference Frumpy Networks Y N
169 Discombobulate Government Documents Turnkey Y N
170 Are Highly Rumpus Sack Y N
171 Based Peer Reviewed Y N
172 Cross-platform Hence Remote Access Through Y N
173 Frumpy Pickle Reinvent N Y
174 Doodle Dweeb Innovate Topple N Y
175 Best Discombobulate Mostly Harmless Viper N Y